New Tread 28 Suspension Lamp

Tread 28 Suspension Lamp

Designer Chiaramonte / Marin Product Code TREAD SP 28 CR BHS LED 13 2700K


The “technicity” of the metal element combined with the blown glass diffuser gives Tread an “industrial” style. An object reminiscent of vintage electrical equipment for its particular shape, in which the finned heat sink, combined with blown glass, becomes a distinctive element. Tread creates an avant-garde and stylish atmosphere by combining crystal, smoke, burnt earth and old green glass with copper, gold and bronze matt finishes. The pendant version adds a new dimension to the collection with a larger diameter diffuser allowing it to be installed individually in smaller living spaces.

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Dimensions * Pendant Diameter: 11 inch, Pendant Height: 5.5 inch, Max Height from Ceiling to Pendant: 84.5 inch

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Name Tread 28 Suspension Lamp
Product Code TREAD SP 28 CR BHS LED 13 2700K
Family Name Tread
Indoor / Outdoor Indoor
Mounting Suspension
Dimensions Pendant Diameter: 11 inch, Pendant Height: 5.5 inch, Max Height from Ceiling to Pendant: 84.5 inch
Wattage 12W
Color Temperature 2700K
Cord Length 2 Meter
Light Effect Diffused
IP Rating 20
Certification CE
Material Metal & Blown Glass
Chiaramonte / Marin
Chiaramonte / Marin

Alfredo Chiaramonte (Bologna) graduated in Architecture in Venice. Marco Marin (Venice) got a Master's degree in Industrial Design after graduating at the Academy of Fine Arts. The collaboration between the two gave birth to a studio in which they work as industrial, interior and graphic designers. Since the 90s they have been collaborating with important interior design firms such as Emu, Vistosi, Bonaldo, Calligaris, NasonMoretti, Andromeda International, etc., obtaining several awards, among which the first prize at the Young and Design competition in 1996. Their familiarity with the furnaces in Murano and the techniques of glass manufacturing have made it possible to achieve a great skill in the design of glass lighting items, thanks to which the "Artificia" project was developed.

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