
This year for Clerkenwell Design Week Tom Dixon collaborated with Andrew Baughen, the enlightened Vicar of St James' – a classic 17th century church on Clerkenwell Green, where he sees the potential of making his unique building available to the daytime residents of Clerkenwell – the creative workforce, and a place for the residential community to use as a resource.

The partnership involved Tom Dixon installing a large central chandelier in the main space, a co-working environment and a kitchen all to be donated as permanent fixtures.

The extraordinary volumes of this heritage site will allows to demonstrate the new lighting and furniture products recently launched in Milan against a series of historic backdrops – the panelled wood of the 18th century vestry, the bare stone construction of the entrance hall and the huge volumes and stained glass panels of the main church providing with a variety of design challenges unlike any other. As the Church evolves and adapts to the new conditions of the 21st century, the opportunity of opening up to new audiences and unexpected collaborations becomes a necessity. For the design audience and the more permanent residents of Clerkenwell, a contemplative and spiritual space becomes more comfortable and accessible thanks to Tom Dixon's small intervention.

Click here to buy this collection by Tom Dixon.

Tags: Clerkenwell design week Tom dixon Andrew baughen St james church

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